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You Are About to Change Your Worldview

You are about to change your worldview.

Never doubt, child, the way has been prepared for you every day of your life, in different ways and means. You will cross the threshold of ordinary reality into non-ordinary reality.

Everyone has certain times in their lives in which there can be extraordinary synchronicities or meaningful coincidences. They can be startling, shocking, and often they do hold a deeper significance or a hidden meaning. These events, images, experiences in your day-to-day life often give a deeper hidden design to the meaning and purpose of your days. We will help you cultivate a different way of seeing your world. Life or the events in life can be interpreted like a dream.

You are, to me, surrounded by a landscape of symbols that continues to evolve and unfold throughout the precious minutes of your days and nights.

The symbolist way of belief has incredibly deep roots in the human psyche. We thirst for meaning and purpose and throughout time, it has been our common shared human passion to find meaning and purpose in the events of our daily lives. Our world in 2017 is going through a dark chapter in which the collective shadow is vast, probably greater than it has been since World War II. In such a shadowy time, life can seem insignificant.

This is simply not true. Your life is rich in meaning, purpose and archetypal resonance.

There are precious treasures within the seemingly “mundane” events in our daily lives.

-From Kevin’s Workshop, “Synchronicities, Symbols and Signs”, University of Guelph, March 23, 2013